
I joined the PSG because I wanted to build a strong bond with my child and her school, in order to support her throughout her schooling years. By being a parent volunteer, it’s helped me be aware of the changes in the educational landscape at every stage of her education.

Over the decade, we’ve witnessed many changes in the staff and leadership of the school. Despite this the PSG has managed to build a close working relationship with the school management and teachers.

As a new school, it’s heartening to see many parent volunteers come forward each year. Many are father-mother pairs and some were already active volunteers in their child’s primary school.

The PSG has introduced a wide variety of activities over the years. Aside from the usual in-school festive activities, such as Racial Harmony Day, International Friendship Day, and cultural festivals, we’ve also branched out to work with external organisations like the Centre for Fathering, to encourage more participation from fathers.